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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  29-Jun-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)

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Name NITINAT LAKE - NW Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092C066
Status Showing NTS Map 092C10W
Latitude 048º 41' 48'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 48' 54'' Northing 5395326
Easting 366445
Commodities Limestone, Marble, Building Stone, Dimension Stone Deposit Types R04 : Dimension stone - marble
R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Nitinat Lake - NW showing is located near the south end of Nitinat Lake on the northwest shore, 4 kilometres from the Pacific Ocean.

A mass of limestone, up to a kilometre wide, extends northeast along the shore of Nitinat Lake for 2.8 kilometres. The limestone is part of the Paleozoic and/or Mesozoic Westcoast Complex and is in fault contact with Westcoast Complex granodiorite and diorite to the northwest. The thickly-bedded limestone generally strikes 100 to 120 degrees and dips 35 to 65 degrees northeast. A few dykes intrude the limestone.

The deposit generally consists of coarse-grained, white limestone (marble) containing some fine-grained, thinly-bedded siliceous layers and a few dolomitic beds. A sample comprised of chips taken at 3 metre intervals along the shore for 229 metres contained 53.3 per cent CaO, 0.39 per cent MgO, 3.38 per cent insolubles, 0.34 per cent R2O3, 0.17 per cent Fe2O3, 0.006 per cent MnO, 0.008 per cent P2O5, 0.06 per cent sulphur and 42.3 per cent ignition loss (Bulletin 40, page 98).

EMPR BULL *40, p. 97,98
EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp. 503-510
EMPR OF RGS 24, 1990; 1992-18, pp. 48, 50-51
EMPR PF (In 092C General File - Aeromagnetic Contour Map, Nitinat Lake Area, Noranda Mines Ltd., date unknown)
GSC MAP 17A; 1386A
GSC MEM 13, pp. 44-46; 196
GSC OF 463; 821; 1272
GSC P 72-44; 76-1A; 79-30
CANMET RPT 452, Vol. 15, p. 149; 811 Part 5, p.141
Carson, D.J.T. (1968): Metallogenic study of Vancouver Island with emphasis on the relationships of mineral deposits to plutonic rocks, Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University
Cummings, J.M. (1937): Possibilities for the Manufacture of Mineral Wool; B.C. Government Publication
EMPR PFD 670277, 670278